I went to Hong Kong, ShenZhen and Macau at August 2011 for a 5 days trip, but I never upload the photos taken as there are too many pictures and finally I have decided to upload few pictures that I prefered.
Taken at Stanley, where a lot of foreigners gathered together for a beer surrounded by nice sea views.
It was ashame that I havent been to Batu Caves before. My friend had been telling me it was a good spot for photography so I went to test my newly bought Sony A850 ( oh yeah I have upgraded to fullframe!! Yuhuuu). Indeed it was a really nice place for photography!!
The 300 steps to the Cave
The Hawker selling flowers at the entrance.
A lot of Pigeon and monkey...
The god statues, always a nice subject for picture.
The statues inside the Cave.
I have been loitering outside the temple to capture some people..