We had a celebration few days ago for Ivonny's B'day and I was the photographer at the party. We had a great time and hopefully Ivonny is happy with all the surprises!
It was raining whole day forcing me to stayed at home since morning. Around 3pm the rain was stopped and I was bored, so I grabbed my camera and gears and walked to the city to capture some pictures of the sculptures in Launceston. It is a good opportunity to try my newly bought Minolta 35-105mm F3.5-4.5 N. All these Minolta antiques were precious to me as their optical quality is superb, and they're built like a tank in metal body.
The WW1 memorial in the city park.
The Tasmanian Tiger sculptures in front of the state library.
Brian, Kamweng, Delon and I went to Cradle mountain next day after the Ben Lomon trip. Initially there are more people going however only 4 of us made it due to an unfortunate small traffic accident happened resulted the rest of the people went back to Launceston half way.
The weather wasn't good that day. It was misty and rainy which was difficult for photography. We arrived late due to the car accident therefore the plan to climb to the summit was cancelled. Not many pictures were taken that day and the image quality was below satisfaction.
A boat shed at the Dove lake.
Misty day..
overlooking the summit of Cradle mountain. The water of the Dove lake was crystal clear.
2 friends of my housemate from Western Australia came to visit him in Tasmania few days ago and we have decided to bring them to Ben Lomon. It is my second time visit, my last visit was 2 years ago in 2008. We had plenty of fun and of course, a lot of photos have been taken.
The Timber Hut where people rent skiing tools and have a hot drinks.
The kids were having fun too..
Shanki's potrait
We met a wallaby at the carpark when we're leaving. Cute things was eating an apple by holding it on his hands.